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Hello everyone,


I started my musical life surrounded by music, my mother was a violinist, her brothers one a drummer and the other multi- Instumentalist. My grandfather was a drummer, spoon player and shanty singer traveling and entertaining during the depression to earn a quid to support the family.


With music surrounding me in all ways, jam sessions at the house with people like Tommy Tycho, musical director, composer in classical, pop and tv shows. Brian Davies and Johnny O'Keefe. I had to follow, because the rhythm was a part of me.

I then went to drum lessons with the same person that had taught both my uncles, Gordon Leconue, a pit drummer at the Tivoli theatre in Sydney.

I then joined the police boys club in gymnastics and because of my experience in drumming, joined the police boys band as a drummer at the age of 9.

Music was a part of my life.

Jump forward to high school, I was doing music as I could read music. I did well and was invited into our local school band with Gary Dixon, who went on to be in the Ted Mulray Gang. After leaving school, work and tech took over, then love came into play and then children.

After two marriages and divorces, I met the most wonderful girl in the world, she did ceroc dancing, acting and just loved life. So I started acting in plays, learned to dance with her and rhythm and timing came back into my life. The director of one play I was in, an Agatha Christie thriller, And Then There Were None, said to me, 'you have a voice for radio' and invited me to an audition, at a local community radio station.

After the audition I was asked to do four live takes, and they went to air. Starting at the bottom on the front desk and answering phones, the production manager asked if I'd like to go on air. The answer was yes, and when I was asked why, I said I loved music, would like to help the community, and last of all, I said I think it would be fun. And she said, that's what I was waiting for.

I have been on air for two years now in many time slots, and now do breakfast two days and drive one day.


I have attained my Cert 3 in Screen and Radio. Do Production and Voiceovers at the station. This is all because I love all genres of music, and because of my upbringing in music.


I'm a retired plumber, drainer, gasfitter and music fills my life, not to mention the great people I meet. Also, the great interviews with many artists, that I edit myself and put to air.


Tune in and enjoy the show. 

Allan Pleym

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